World­friend­ship in Vienna

October, 21st to 22nd, 2023
goto registration

Our History

50 years ago, a World Conference of the International Scout and Guilde Fellowship was held in Vienna in 1973. To remember this event, a memorial stone was placed in the Vienna City Hall Park (Rathauspark).

In 1973, however, the International Scout and Guild Fellowship had just turned 20 years old itself: The foundation day, October 25th, 1953, has been celebrated every year since then as World Fellowship Day (Weltfreundschaftstag) to show our Worldfriendship.

In 1973, however, not only the memorial stone was erected, but also a tree was planted: a birch.

The tree is gone, the stone needs to be renovated, the world association ISGF celebrates its 70th birthday this year, 2023. The world conference in 1973 took place 50 years ago, a second one, which took place in 2008, was 15 years ago: you don’t really need so many reasons to celebrate.

Therefore, the Local Guild of Vienna (Pfadfinder-Stadtgilde Wien) invites adult Scouts from Austria and abroad to Vienna.


The time is counting down: Here the time runs for the beginning of the official celebration in the Vienna City Hall Park with the unveiling of the renovated memorial stone and thereafter the ceremonial act in the “Wappensaal” of the Vienna City Hall.

One day before, however, we already meet in the afternoon at the Scout Museum and in the evening at the Heurigen “10erMarie”.








The Local Guild of Vienna celebrates – join us:

70 years ISGF, 50/15 years Worldconference Vienna

Saturday, 21st Oct., 2023

2:00pm Scout Museum
  • A visit to the “Scout Museum and Institute for Scout History” at Loeschenkohlgasse 25/4th floor, 1150 Vienna; near subway station U3 Schweglerstrasse
  • Current exhibition: “Jamboree – Life Dream/Trauma”
  • Talking & singing together
6:00pm Heuriger 10er Marie
  • The classic Heuriger (wine tavern) at Ottakringer Straße 222-224, 1160 Vienna; near subway station U3 Ottakring

Sunday, 22nd Oct., 2023

10:00am Vienna City tour
  • Starting at the main entrance at St.Stephan’s cathedral (U1, U3)
1:45pm Meeting point
  • In the Vienna City Hall Park (“Rathauspark”) at the memorial stone for the 1973 World Conference (see number 1 on the map)
2:00pm Stone reveal in the Rathauspark
  • Official start at the memorial stone
3:00pm Ceremony in the Coat of Arms Hall of the Vienna City Hall
  • “World-Friendship Ceremony” to show the international projects
  • (Participation only with registration)
Map of "rathauspark" with location of the memorail stone

Image gallery 1973

In the summer of 1973, the World Conference was held in Vienna.

Baumpflanzung am 12.7.1973 im Wiener Rathauspark anläßlich der Weltkonferenz der Pfadfindergilden


Please book on your own, we suggest:

IntercityHotel Wien


+43 (1) 525 85-125

Hotel Kolpinghaus Wien-Zentral


+43 (1) 587 56 31-0

(from the past and today)

Here you can find some news from the past and present.

Pictures of the official celebration on October 22nd, 2023

Pictures of the official celebration on October 22nd, 2023

Photos from the memorial stone at the Viennese Rathauspark Photographers: Bernhard Müller, and Carlo Bakalarz-Zákos   Photos from the official celebration at the „Wappensaal“ (coat of arms hall) in the Viennese City Hall [gt3-gallery...

70 Years ISGF

Already in 1931, the founder of the Boy Scouts, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, gave the first hints about a Union of older scouts. In 1933 was the foundation of the first national association, the "St. George's Guild Denmark". Since 1945 in many countries scout...

Contact form

If you want to contact us, please use this form. To register for the event go to: Registration.

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